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Dr Constance J. Pritchard
Dr Constance J. Pritchard is well-known for her work in leadership, business consulting, and career development. Currently, she is the President and Principal with The Pritchard Group, a training and consulting firm she founded in 1993. Representative clients of The Pritchard Group include international and national businesses and agencies in the private and public sector. The Pritchard Group, Inc. serves clients in face to face consultation and training, as well as through her corporate eLearning site. She is a keynoter with businesses and frequent presenter at professional conferences. In her consulting and coaching practice, she works frequently with C-level leaders.
Dr Pritchard has presented seminars and workshops around the country on career, life management, and organization development topics. She has earned a doctorate, a master’s degree in linguistics, and a bachelor’s degree in English and history. Projects and programs under her direction have been recognized nationally for outstanding service. Her dissertation research on small business also gained national accolades. She has delivered the Career Development Facilitator training nationally and internationally, Dr Pritchard has been recognized as a Master Trainer, one of 37 individuals across the nation. Dr Pritchard currently volunteers with the National Career Development Association as chair of the CDF Advisory Council and Career Developments magazine (contributing editor), US Coast Guard Auxiliary, Ocean City Humane Society, Shore Medical Center, Ocean City Sailing Foundation, and local and international home construction mission trips with her church. She is also active in local and regional career and human resources professional associations. In addition, she serves as a Board member of the Middle Atlantic Career Counseling Association.